2pm yesterday afternoon, I’m at a motorway service station en route fron Bournemouth to Cambridge. My phone rings, it’s David Gilmour. “What are you doing tonight Guy?” I’m playing the Cambridge Corn Exchange with Bryan Ferry if you must know. David has suddenly decided to reform Pink Floyd for the Syd Barrett tribute show and wants me to play. AAAARRRGGH!!!! I’d already been asked to do the show, but as none of the band were doing it it seemed unfair to ask Bryan to get a replacement bassist.
I managed to meet up with David for a very quick drink and debrief on my way home. He pointed out that the Corn Exchange was the last place Syd ever played, so that’s some sort of extremely minor consolation. Although this is now the second Pink Floyd reunion I’ve missed for Mr Ferry.When he turned up for soundcheck he gestured around and said “Ah, Guy, your spiritual home” Not knowing what had gone down. I replied frostily “Don’t you fucking start.…”
Karen - May 11, 2007 11:49 AM
Ah, yes but these things happen for a reason. Which may not be clear to you now, but later, mmmmm.
Amy Bartelt - May 11, 2007 1:09 PM
Hello Guy,
My name is Amy and I am a huge,huge fan.You are a tremendous bass player.You are the best bass player on the planet.Your bass lines are warm and flowing.No one does it better than you.I have undergone 4 ankle and leg surgeries and I will soon be undergoing a fifth operation.I have been laid up for a couple of years.I am losing my mind with pain and boredom.I was wondering if I could(please,please,please)receive one of your imprinted bass guitar picks?I would really,really appreciate it.Thank you for your time and effort,as well as for your music.I hope to hear from you.
All the best,
Nate - May 11, 2007 1:47 PM
Damn I missed you in Bournemouth!
You should have popped in for a cuppa 😉
Daniel Werwolf - May 11, 2007 2:15 PM
Hello Guy!
My name is Daniel I’m from Israel. I wanted to say, that you’re great bass player. I love how you play on PULSE. I need your help. Please, can you ask David Gilmour if he’ll visit Israel with concerts?
Thanks and all the best!
George Maciver - May 11, 2007 2:48 PM
Geez Guy, what a bummer! Two Floyd reunions missed. Don’t know what to say mate. You must be gutted.
I will say this though, I admire your loyalty and commitment to your commitments. I’m pretty sure David and Brian do too.
John Boyle - May 11, 2007 3:51 PM
Hi Guy,
I had the pleasure of being at Cambridge last night and it was a great show. Pink Floyd’s loss was our gain.
Thanks. JB
Phoenix - May 11, 2007 4:23 PM
Poor soul.
Send Bryan the flamingo next time. 🙂
Richard Meeder - May 11, 2007 5:30 PM
I’ll gladly sub for you on the PF gig or for Bryan . But, Just this one time. I keep hearing Neal Hubbard guitar statements in my head.
Doug - May 11, 2007 11:51 PM
Hey Guy, any chance you could come to the USA and give this aging rocker some bass lessons? I ‘m sure all I could afford is half an hour, but it sure would be worth it!
Congrats on the new book!
Warren Loveridge - May 12, 2007 3:53 AM
I’m a Kiwi fan who travelled to London last May to David’s concerts — I briefly met you outside the hall on the first night and you signed a piece of paper for me, then my ticket. Thoroughly decent of you. And of course I’m at a loss as to how David managed to get through a couple of songs at the Barrett tribute without you backing him up!
Take care,
Bas - May 12, 2007 9:41 AM
I know I would have loved to be there I thought he would do this
friends of my traveld to London from Austria for the Waters gigs
in Earls court and went a day early to be at this tribute.
well maybe next time we are there .
I’m sure there will be a next time for the Floyd
I sure David will hit the road again in 1 or 2 years
Bye, Bas
Paul Sexton - May 12, 2007 1:10 PM
No Justice Guy!!
Jessica - May 14, 2007 6:11 AM
Well done
Kelly - May 14, 2007 9:21 AM
Hi Guy!
I was at the concert in Bournemouth on the 11th.. It was great! Great sound at the BIC as you came over great! I stood at the stage…actually, right in front of you.. thought it was nice how we even smiled at each other…I have never been that CLOSE to stage and the performers any where!!
Your Great!!
I am a big Ferry/RM fan… So, see you in Munich!!
george hartselle - May 14, 2007 9:00 PM
George Hartselle
Duh.….….…what about R. Waters, does he attend these reunions?
No disrespect intended Guy, you are the man. I just wondered if this was a reunion from the nineties or something. Look forward to the book.
lorraine - May 16, 2007 8:18 AM
How long must he wait?
Once more for a simple twist of fate.
.….…anyway, looks like the book must be selling like hot cakes, I just got an email from Amazon to say mine would be delayed.
Thomas O'Connell - May 16, 2007 8:23 PM
Guy, I hope that David understood that you had already had a
commitment and that you will still play for David when the time
comes. I think it’s great to see you out there jumping around playing with a smile. I feel that you are a Pink Floyd member and really hope to see you out there again playing bass for David.
Take Care Mate,
Karen - May 17, 2007 8:13 AM
Just putting it here, so it doesn’t go to waste.
There once was a Guy who played bass
who was so good he played all over the place
Then he also tried singing
which left peoples ears ringing
because it was more of a yell in his case
Renee - May 17, 2007 10:01 PM
That was a Homer moment.…“D’oh!!” Well at least you played where Sid played last. Glad the book is out. Good Luck
Renee B.
Fontana, Ca USA
ayako - May 18, 2007 1:46 AM
Hi Guy!
I was one of the lucky ones to win the limerick contest!
I“m elated! Thank you so much! Really looking forward to reading your book. And I really do hope you bring your show to North America!
Much love,
Tomasz - May 18, 2007 6:59 PM
Bad luck indeed,
I hope you will be available next time,
Angelo Ortiz - May 21, 2007 2:35 AM
Missed two, but the third one will be a charmer!
All the best, and hope you’re a best seller!
david - July 14, 2007 9:35 PM
Salut Guy,
Petit message de la France où ton talent est bien connu de tous les bassistes. Merci pour ces lessons de basse que tu m’as donné rien quand écoutant ton jeu à travers les morceaux des Floyd.
Au plaisir de croiser un jour ta route.
Adam Kahan - July 17, 2007 5:31 PM
brilliant little story Guy,
You should get yourself over to Cambs for one of your solo shows! Every gig i go to at the Corn exchange Syd is mention because of that little conciliation story David mentioned to you., bobby gillespie was the last!!!
I was at the Pink Floyd reforming thingy for Syd instead of Cambs that night. It was awesome although a little strange with the Oasis bassist in someone else’s place!