15 Dec 2023

Vote For The Rockonteurs

Guy and Gary Kemp’s The Rockonteurs pod­cast has been nom­i­nated ...
13 Dec 2023

Rockonteurs with Gary Kemp and Guy Pratt: Season 5

  Rockonteurs is a pod­cast all about the real sto­ries ...
31 Jan 2020

Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets — Live At The Roundhouse

‘Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets Live At The Roundhouse’ is ...
29 Jun 2018


Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets brings together some famil­iar names, ...
08 Aug 2017

Inglourious Bassterd at Edinburgh Fringe

Guy Pratt returns from the recent David Gilmour tour to ...
25 May 2016

Rattle That Lock Tour Continues

Guy Pratt will cer­tainly be busy over the next few ...
09 Nov 2014

Pink Floyd — The Endless River

Pink Floyd’s first stu­dio out­ing in two decades is a ...
14 Mar 2014

Bryan Ferry 2014 Tour

Guy Pratt will be join­ing Bryan Ferry and The Bryan ...
06 Jan 2014

Samuel Hällkvist Tour

Guy Pratt has announced he will be tour­ing Sweden and ...
11 Oct 2013

New Website

It’s been a while..but we’re back! Here it is, the ...
12 Sep 2013

Braintree Arts Theatre

Don’t miss Guy Pratt’s won­der­fully sala­cious show ‘Sideman’ at Braintree ...
10 Jan 2011

Guy Pratt @ Adelaide Fringe Festival

Having wowed crowds the world over with ‘My Bass and ...
02 Aug 2010

G‑TARanaki International Music Week

Guy will be doing his brand new “Wake Up Call!” ...
12 Jul 2010

Guy Pratt, Roger Waters and David Gilmour perform charity show together

It’s True! David Gilmour & Roger Waters per­formed together includ­ing ...
04 Jul 2010

Wake Up Call! @ Edinbourgh Fringe Festival

It’s 4am. The alarm is set for 5. You’re in ...
05 May 2010


Just want to say what a bril­liant time we all ...
02 Feb 2010

Breakfast of Idiots’ solo show

10 Jan 2010


Thanks for the birth­day wishes.. I’m going to be at ...
22 Dec 2009

Merry Xmas!

22 Nov 2009


**** LAST EVER UK SHOW **** Host: 20th CENTURY THEATRE ...
13 Nov 2009

Speedball — Maximum Speed

That’s right..Guy’s first band has a live album com­ing out! ...
16 Sep 2009

Lost login!

I haven’t been able to get into my own bloody ...
20 Jun 2009

PMT Leeds

Thanks to every­one who came to the PMT shows in ...
03 Jun 2009


Hello all, sorry I haven’t been in for ages, and ...
13 Apr 2009


Hi all I’m going to be per­forming Jon Lord’s Concerto ...
23 Jan 2009

Just popping in..

Hello all Just thought I’d pop in. Sorry I’ve been ...
21 Jan 2009

Notting Good Taste 2

Returning to the 20th Century Theatre due to pop­ular request, ...
24 Dec 2008

Merry Xmas

To every­one… It hasn’t been the best of years, and ...
05 Dec 2008


Greetings from down under…I’m here doing the Adelaide Guitar Festival ...
06 Nov 2008


A brand new com­edy night takes place on November 13th ...
20 Oct 2008

Thank You

Just wanted to say thank you for all of your ...
15 Sep 2008


I can’t really think of any­thing to say right now ...
19 Aug 2008

Brian Cox

Hi all Sorry I haven’t writ­ten for a while…Been a ...
30 Jun 2008


Just back from Glasto, which was mer­ci­fully dry. Had a ...
18 Jun 2008


This does not apply to any of my reg­ular vis­i­tors, ...
06 Jun 2008

Planet Rock saved!!

Hi all Well great news eh? We all went and ...
28 Apr 2008


Hi all I’ve been get­ting a bit car­ried away on ...
02 Apr 2008

New Slot!!!

In their infi­nite wis­dom Planet Rock have decided to move ...
16 Mar 2008


Thanks to every­one who came to my show, it was ...
20 Feb 2008

My Bass And Other Animals — Last London Show

21 Jan 2008

Last night a DJ shaved my wife…

Hi all Well last friday’s show was bet­ter than the ...
08 Jan 2008

Thank you!

Thanks to every­one for their birth­day greetings..Last day in Bali, ...
19 Dec 2007

Merry Xmas!

I’m in Melbourne now, and after todays record­ing of Spicks ...
01 Dec 2007

Ill in Brisbane

Languishing in my hotel room in Brisbane with a nasty ...
15 Nov 2007


It’s 4am and I’m wide awake, though not for any ...
03 Nov 2007

From Russia with love..

I’m off to St Petersburg and Moscow tomor­row, first time ...
15 Oct 2007


If anyone’s in Basel, Switzerland.. I’m play­ing the Casino with ...
02 Oct 2007

Back on the road..

This week I’m head­ing out all over Eastern Europe and ...
16 Sep 2007

Sorry again..

Hi all I haven’t posted for a while because, well, ...
09 Aug 2007

Jonathan Ross Show

Those of you in the UK might be inter­ested to ...
23 Jul 2007


Hi all Running around Europe with Mr Ferry again.. I’m ...
19 Jun 2007

The show goes on…

Hi all, I have a break from Fery duties for ...
21 May 2007

Book Out!!

I went to Mackay’s the print­ers in Chatham today to ...
11 May 2007

Syd Gig

2pm yes­terday after­noon, I’m at a motor­way ser­vice sta­tion en ...
06 May 2007


As you can see, my book is fin­ished, and will ...
11 Apr 2007


I’ve been very remiss about post­ing lately. The book is ...
04 Mar 2007

On the road again..

Hi all, I’m in sunny Scotland, on a back to ...
02 Feb 2007

Time for a new post!

But I can’t really think of any­thing. Still wrestling with ...
13 Jan 2007

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Christ you lot got on it quickly…Who watches the above ...
12 Jan 2007


This is almost turn­ing into a proper blog what with ...
10 Jan 2007

Thank you for your birthday greetings..

That was very nice of you all. I’m back slog­ging ...
22 Dec 2006

Merry Xmas!!

I’d just like to wish a merry Xmas and happy ...
11 Dec 2006

ARIA Hall of Fame

I’m delighted to report that Iva Davies came round to ...
01 Dec 2006

New Post!!

Hi all, I’m exiled down in France all alone try­ing ...
12 Oct 2006

New Website

Welcome to the new web­site! Finally  the site is online ...







I can’t really think of any­thing to say right now apart from how much we will miss him.
He was a unique tal­ent and one of the most impor­tant peo­ple in my life.
It’s too sad to write about yet.


  1. Bran from Croatia - September 15, 2008 9:19 PM

    My deep­est con­dolances to you and your fam­ily Guy.

    He was THE sound of Floyd. He was Pink.
    Great, great man.

    Shine on Rick.
    You will for­ever live in your music.

  2. Electric Warrior,Kent - September 15, 2008 9:33 PM

    I heard the news today, oh boy.…

    Guy, this must be a ter­ri­ble day for you all. May you find the strength to pull through this dif­fi­cult time. Floyd have been my pas­sion since i was 15..i am now 48 and i have shed some quiet tears for a man i never met but felt that i knew. Be strong please , all of you. The world is a lit­tle darker tonight, but the music will light up the world for­ever.

  3. Nate - September 15, 2008 9:34 PM

    My thoughts are with you and your fam­ily at this time.

  4. Nina - September 15, 2008 9:38 PM

    Such sad news…

    Our thoughts are with you and your fam­ily.

    And thank you, Rick, for your music!

  5. Martyn - September 15, 2008 9:53 PM

    A very big loss to music, to his fam­ily, and to his many fans.

    Hopefully com­fort can be found in the amount of plea­sure that he brought to mil­lions of peo­ple, and the fact that his music will con­tinue to inspire and enter­tain for many, many years to come.

    RIP Rick, enjoy The Great Gig.…

  6. Michèle - September 15, 2008 9:55 PM

    Dreamers may leave , but they’re here ever after”… (David, OAI)

  7. James - September 15, 2008 10:07 PM

    My heart goes out to you and your fam­ily. Rest in peace Rick.

  8. Adrian - September 15, 2008 10:20 PM

    Please accept my sin­cere con­do­lences for your loss.

  9. Phil Bridges - September 15, 2008 10:20 PM

    Kutos to you and your wife Guy for sol­der­ing on and keep­ing a stiff upper lip with the radio pro­gram, that must have been so so very hard to keep going mate.

    Dunno about any­one else but this news was like a bolt out of the blue, I like thou­sands have a lump in my throat this evening.

    I was at a PF trib­ute gig on Saturday evening (the won­der­ful Perfect Alibi) and I men­tioned to a friend that after 30 odd years I’ve never grown tired of works like Dark Side, and I don’t sup­pose I ever will…

  10. Jon - September 15, 2008 10:29 PM

    I could­n’t be sad­der upon the hear­ing of this news. A musi­cian with no equal.

    Our thoughts are with your fam­ily, Guy.

  11. AlX - September 15, 2008 10:32 PM

    so sad i cryied… My con­do­lences to Guy, Gala and the rest of the fam­ily.
    I never thought i would feel this way…
    Rest in peace Rick. .we´ll never for­get you.

    Alex (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

  12. Martin - September 15, 2008 10:33 PM

    Dreadful news…just dread­ful.

    I was watch­ing PULSE only yes­ter­day and reflect­ing on how stun­ning the per­for­mances were and on a unique and tal­ented bunch of musi­cians.

    Just so very sad…god bless you Rick and thanks for some amaz­ing music and mem­o­ries over the years .

    Shine on fella .

  13. Mike Caddick - September 15, 2008 10:46 PM

    wow,the Floyd com­mu­nity is united all over the world tonight — such a shock to us all — we all agree Rick was always the cor­ner stone of the PF sound.Deepest sym­pa­thies to you,Gala,Millie,Ben and the rest of your family.Take care.
    Sail On,Rick…

  14. NANCE - September 15, 2008 10:48 PM

    I cry with you and for you! Just be glad you were able to enjoy so many years with him. I feel so‑o blessed with my old mem­o­ries and they are still held very ten­derly in my heart and soul — At least Steve’s there for him now! Love to you all every day — Nance

  15. Maarten Van Pottelberghe - September 15, 2008 10:52 PM

    crap mon­day
    crap news
    crap feel­ing.…
    a strongfew days, weeks, months to you and your fam­ily, and to richard’s fam­ily.
    kudos indeed.

  16. Jeff Bova - September 15, 2008 10:57 PM


    It’s been a long time. My heart­felt con­do­lences for your and Gala’s loss.


    Jeff Bova

  17. Piet - September 15, 2008 10:59 PM

    I just posted this on David’s blog. Not much to add.

    What a sad day. Was really look­ing for­ward to the Gdansk box with more superb play­ing and singing from Richard and David together (as David just stated on the main web­page, how well their voices and music flowed together) and then this news. A big blow for his fam­ily (esp. Guy’s fam­ily), all those in and around Pink Floyd and for us fans. I don’t have any other words other than : Thank you Richard, very, very, very much, for your music, your words, your play­ing, your voice and the fun in play­ing your so obvi­ous dis­played dur­ing the 2006 tour with David !!! You will be sorely missed.


  18. Danilo, Italy - September 15, 2008 11:06 PM

    It’s hard to say how much I’ll miss Rick and his music.
    It’s very easy to feel grate­ful for them.
    Thank you, Richard.

    con­dolances to you and your fam­ily, Guy.

  19. Tracy - September 15, 2008 11:08 PM

    I have lost some­one close months ago and we are still reel­ing from the loss. It grad­u­ally becomes eas­ier reflect­ing on what was with­out the pain. We have to remem­ber what great times we had and make life the best we can so our lit­tle ones will have great mem­o­ries when we leave.

    Bless you all.

  20. Francisco (from Chile) - September 15, 2008 11:12 PM

    From Santiago of Chile, to You, to Gala, to every­one who feel the way we do: A Hug, and all the best.

    Rick is Gone… PF is Gone.

  21. Martin - September 15, 2008 11:15 PM


    It will never be the same.

    A look from the win­dow with a shine on his smile. The reflec­tion play­ing melodies that will live long. A heart that showed a look from afar. A sound that sung from a far­away meadow. A voice that was soft as a spo­ken whis­pered dream. You shone like the Diamond before you. You will live on like the dia­mond within you. Thank you, Richard. A tear will drop for you for­ever.


  22. Caroline - September 15, 2008 11:32 PM

    My thoughts and sym­pa­thies go out to you, your fam­ily Guy, and Rick’s family…my heart is still as sunk as when I first heard the news ear­lier today. And I really am about on the verge of tears as I’m now lis­ten­ing to my Floyd playlist (appro­pri­ately tai­lored to have just songs fea­tur­ing Mr. Wright)…which has just gone from “Take It Back” to the P.U.L.S.E. “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”. Like Mr. Bridges, I too will never grow tired of such amaz­ing sounds and Rick’s over­all work. I also sec­ond the kudos on stay­ing tough dur­ing your show yes­ter­day, Guy…I know it could not have been easy then, nor could it have been over the past few weeks.

    Not only an incred­i­bly sad day for the Floyd, but also great and real music and the appre­ci­a­tors and mak­ers of it.

    - Caroline

  23. Annette - September 16, 2008 12:02 AM

    Guy, Gala and fam­ily,

    Our first thoughts are for you, I wish you strength.

    I loved Richard’s work. I have had tears in my eyes today.
    He will be badly missed.

    Again, I wish you strength and peace.

    Annette X

  24. Patricio, Mexico - September 16, 2008 12:43 AM


    You knew Richard bet­ter than most of us typ­ing here. Your mem­o­ries of him are yours and yours alone. And for that you must feel blessed.

    We heard him in his albums. Some of us even saw him, from afar, at a con­cert or two. Yet, he man­aged to touch us and his effect on the lives of many, myself included, went far beyond the music.

    Here’s to a great tal­ent and a true gen­tle­man. Here’s to Richard Wright!

  25. Karen - September 16, 2008 12:49 AM

    My sin­cere con­do­lences Guy for your loss of this truly unique man.

  26. john carroll - September 16, 2008 12:55 AM

    I met Richard in a lift in the Hilton Hotel in Brisbane Australia in 1988. His unique music and unas­sum­ing man­ner touched many peo­ple. My deep­est sym­pa­thies to the “Wright Family”. He will be sadly missed, but very well rmem­bered.

  27. Franz - September 16, 2008 1:29 AM

    Thank you, Guy, for writ­ing any­thing to us at this dif­fi­cult time. I appre­ci­ate you think­ing of the fans, it’s quite gen­er­ous.

    Very sad news, indeed. All our thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of Richard’s fam­ily.

    Richard was a won­der­ful artist and such an impor­tant part of Pink Floyd’s sound and spirit. I hope that he knew how much he is loved and appre­ci­ated by us all. We were blessed to have enjoyed his com­pany for so long.

    Best wishes.

    You feel untied, beat­i­fied
    And loved for ever­more

  28. Stef - September 16, 2008 1:31 AM

    Dear Guy,

    My dear con­do­lences to you, Gala and your whole fam­ily for this sad loss.

    And with these words I can see, clear through the clouds that cov­ered me. Just give it time, then speak my name…Now we can hear our­selves again..”

    I will speak your name, Richard.…Rest in Peace.


  29. Des Lynch - September 16, 2008 1:35 AM

    Hi Guy & Gala
    so very very sad to hear about your loss

    We ALL loved Rick, what a man, what a sound!

    Des Lynch

  30. justin - September 16, 2008 1:41 AM

    Its a sad loss to all who loved floyd now its really not able to be recre­ated ever again the same way sorry for your loss guy know­ing you were fam­ily. His con­tri­bu­tion to pink floyd will never be for­got­ten.

  31. Torgeir Røyset - September 16, 2008 1:47 AM

    I offer my deep­est and most heart­felt con­do­lences to you and your fam­ily. This day has been just.…empty.

    Rest in peace, mae­stro.

  32. Stephen - September 16, 2008 2:03 AM

    Thanks for the music Rick, you were one of the good guys.

  33. Jason Haas - September 16, 2008 3:15 AM

    Dear Guy, Gala and fam­ily,

    I was deeply sad­dened to hear of Rick’s pass­ing today. I’m so sorry. Just tonight I just got the record­ing of him, David, and com­pany play­ing Arnold Layne, and my good­ness, it was great to hear… We’ll never for­get Rick, and he’ll always be in our hearts.

    Take care,

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

  34. mondo - September 16, 2008 3:22 AM

    I am so sorry to hear this soul crush­ing news. There are sim­ply no words that fit such a tragic loss.

    Just thank you Rick for all your won­der­ful musi­cal cre­ations that have given me so many years of enjoy­ment

    My love goes out to all his fam­ily and friends.

    He will be sorely missed. 🙁


  35. Another Francisco from Chile - September 16, 2008 3:27 AM

    Shine on Mr. Wright, we will remem­ber you for ever and ever.

    See you on the dark side of the moon.

  36. Carlos Culquichicon - September 16, 2008 3:36 AM

    My deep­est con­do­lence for you and your fam­ily.

    There is no word to express what Rick means for all who love his music.

    Thank you for your con­tri­bu­tion to the music and be part of my life.

    Rest in peace

  37. Ed & Marie - September 16, 2008 3:37 AM

    Dear Guy,

    Our thoughts are with you and your fam­ily. We grew up lis­ten­ing to you and Richard Wright on albums and tours… know­ing how much we will miss him as fans, we can only imag­ine how much your fam­ily will miss him for so many other rea­sons.

    Our best wishes to you, Gala, your fam­ily and the entire Pink Floyd fam­ily and our most heart­felt con­do­lences.

    Ed and Marie

  38. Gabrielle, Washington State - September 16, 2008 4:07 AM

    Dearest Guy,

    Such sad news today. My heart breaks for you, Gala, Stanley and all Richard’s extended fam­ily and many, many friends. I don’t know what else to say …

    Wishing you peace and love dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time.


  39. Nisha - September 16, 2008 4:52 AM

    I am deeply sad­dened to hear about Rick’s pass­ing. He was a musi­cian and a gen­tle­man and his tal­ent will be missed.

    My con­do­lences to you, Gala and your fam­i­lies dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time.

    Bangalore, India

  40. C.S. Cole - September 16, 2008 4:56 AM

    I am so sorry. My thoughts con­tinue to be with you and your fam­ily. Richard will be sorely missed and I wish to thank him for his music.

    Thank you for read­ing. Peace.

    C.S. Cole

  41. Angelo Ortiz - September 16, 2008 5:16 AM

    Man, what could I pos­si­bly add that would make sense. I only knew Richard through his music. You knew the man, the father, the grand­fa­ther, and shared a life with him. My empti­ness is shal­low com­pared to the depth expe­ri­enced by you and yours.

    I send you love, kind­ness, and gen­uine warmth through the dis­tance. May you find com­fort and may the pain ease on its own terms.

    Angelo Ortiz
    Bronx, New York

  42. Marcus Buick - September 16, 2008 5:20 AM

    My deep­est thoughts are with you Guy, and with Richard’s extended fam­ily. Bless all of you …

    Marcus Buick

  43. Steve "Hyflyr" - September 16, 2008 5:20 AM

    A dream came true for me on April 17, 2006. I was sit­ting in the first row of the bal­cony for the show you all played in Oakland, Ca. Hearing Rick sing Arnold Layne for the 1st time and then Wearing the Inside Out, not to men­tion the rest of his magic he sang and played that night will always be in my soul.

    I am sad­dened by the news and offer my con­do­lences to your whole fam­ily. The music world, my world, the whole world is a bet­ter place because of the impact Richard Wright made.

    Shine On.….…..

  44. Dragonlady - September 16, 2008 7:10 AM

    I never know what to say in such moments either. Words seem so pow­er­less in the face of such pain. But they are all I can offer.

    Sunila in Switzerland

  45. Mitchell - September 16, 2008 7:13 AM

    Spent the day at a funeral for a friend. I returned to hear on the tele that Rick had passed. Immediately I put the Pulse DVD in the player (best con­cert in the his­tory of the uni­verse). I have watched it count­less times and it always brings tears to my eyes from the shear beauty of it, as any great work of art does.
    Tonight it opened the flood gates.
    My con­do­lences to all who were clos­est to him and the mil­lions of fans through­out the world that loved him.
    Love and infi­nite light Rick!

  46. Heather - September 16, 2008 7:33 AM

    Dear Guy and fam­ily Our deep­est sym­pa­thy to all of you, as well as a fan­tas­tic musi­cian Rick seemd a really lovely man. Our thoughts are with you at this dread­ful time
    Love from Heather and Phil

  47. Tomasz - September 16, 2008 8:15 AM

    I was really sad to hear the news, Rick was such a gifted man, it’s hard to believe he passed away

    My deep­est con­do­lences for your fam­ily Guy

  48. Dominique - September 16, 2008 8:18 AM

    I heard the news on the radio last night. Rick was my favourite mem­ber of my favourite band. All my deep­est thoughts go to you and your fam­ily, Guy.
    And I still Remember That Night in Paris…



  49. Jussi - September 16, 2008 8:46 AM

    My heart goes out to you and your fam­ily.

  50. james - September 16, 2008 9:20 AM

    not sure why I feel so sad, but I do. A light seems to have gone out. Sympathy and respect.

  51. joni - September 16, 2008 9:31 AM


    Remember the laughs and the good times. He will not be for­got­ten.


  52. cascatino - September 16, 2008 9:33 AM

    Guy, this is a sad day for every music lover.
    We’ll miss Rick very much.

  53. Paul - September 16, 2008 9:38 AM

    My deep­est con­do­lences to you and your fam­ily on the pass­ing of the great Richard Wright. His gen­tle­ness, hon­esty and most of all his music will missed, but it will ” shine on ” !

    The music world has lost a true inno­va­tor and more impor­tantly a true musi­cian !

    Paul ( Melbourne, Australia )

  54. ripper - September 16, 2008 9:56 AM

    Rack my brain …

    to find the words to tell you good­bye

    sad sad news. deep­est sym­pa­thy to all 🙁

  55. Matty - September 16, 2008 10:17 AM


    My thoughts are with you and Gala


  56. Graham Kirk - September 16, 2008 10:25 AM

    Deepest sym­pa­thy to you Gala and all your fam­ily at the sad loss of Rick. His spirt will live on for ever in his chil­dren and grand­chil­dren and his legacy to us all of some of the great­est music the world has ever heard. Peace and best wishes to you all

  57. Tiago Freitas - September 16, 2008 11:07 AM

    My Feelings are with you Guy and Gala . Not very much to say, just that i never thought i would be so sad about a per­son i never met, althought he was with me all my youth and adult life.

  58. Eric - September 16, 2008 11:08 AM

    Dear Guy,

    please wel­come and give to Rick’s fam­ily our deep­est regrets about Rick’s death.
    Like many peo­ple in here, I did not know Rick per­son­ally, but he was part of my life.
    I got to see him per­form 3 times ‑with you as well- in Lyon in 1994 and then in Paris and in Vienne for David’s lat­est tour.
    He was a great musi­cian, a true archi­tect of the Floyd’s sound. Moreover He seemed to be a great great man.

    Like mil­lions of peo­ple, I am really sad today.

  59. Ralph - September 16, 2008 11:31 AM

    Dear Guy, Gala and fam­ily,

    Words fall short to express the sad­ness over Richard’s pass­ing away.
    Please accept my deep­est con­do­lences and may you find strength and com­fort in each other to guide you through this dif­fi­cult period.


  60. Tinker Dill - September 16, 2008 11:50 AM

    im so sad today, Richard Wright, we miss you.

  61. Federico - September 16, 2008 12:56 PM

    Condolences to you all.
    It’s like miss­ing an old friend.
    Goodbye Richard

  62. Olley - September 16, 2008 1:23 PM

    He seemed a gen­tle soul and was an amaz­ingly tal­ented musi­cian, his musi­cian­ship has cer­tainly been a big influ­ence on me and will remain so. My thoughts are with you, Gala and Richards fam­ily.

    Take care,

  63. Rob - September 16, 2008 1:46 PM

    I was lucky enough to see Rick per­form live with David Gilmore at the Festival Hall and Albert Hall. It was bril­liant to see him doing what he did best. He WAS Pink Floyd and always came across as such a nice bloke.

    This news is so sad. Please accept my sin­cere con­do­lences.


  64. Stefano (Italy) - September 16, 2008 1:54 PM

    Dear Guy,
    Dear Gala,

    Please accept my deep­est con­do­lences for this loss.

    This morn­ing I opened the neews­pa­per and dis­cov­ered this bad news…

    I Remember You and your friends in Milano end Florence…and I’m wery wery sad today.


  65. Christian from Germany - September 16, 2008 1:57 PM

    Hello Guy,

    I’m so sad about Rick. He was one of the most impor­tant musi­cians in mod­ern his­tory. Thanks for bee­ing on earth.

    Rick is still alive when his music is played some­where.

    all the best wishes for you, your fam­ily and ricks fam­ily.


  66. Ian - September 16, 2008 2:23 PM

    Memories of Rick will live on with the legacy of his music — gone yes — for­got­ten never.

  67. giordano - September 16, 2008 2:32 PM

    the teacher is gone,
    tears on my face .….. he is in my heart.

    Dear Mr.Pratt you’re a great man wor­thy to know and play with another great man: VI VOGLIO BENE.

    Condolences to all Wright’s Family.

    best regards,
    Giordano from Italy

  68. Geoff Duffy - September 16, 2008 2:49 PM

    I’m so sad and sorry for you and your fam­ily Guy in this a truly heart­break­ing time .
    words like gen­tle , mod­est , and quiet have been linked to Richard , I per­son­ally pre­fer LEGEND
    Rgds Geoff Duffy ( Dublin )

  69. Konstantin - September 16, 2008 2:59 PM


    We’ll all miss Rick. He was a great musi­cian and a mem­ber of a great band. The time for Sorrow has indeed arrived ((((((((

    He’ll always be remem­bered…

    Konstantin from Russia

  70. Ronan Casey - September 16, 2008 4:33 PM

    To Guy, Gala, fam­ily, friends, band­mates and road­crew,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Words sim­ply can­not explain the sense of loss every­one is feel­ing a full day since Rick’s untimely pass­ing. It’s through forums such as this, and the exam­ple of your own strength, that we can have the good grace to say Shine On.

    Are dheis Dé fo raibh a h‑anam dílis,

    grá agus síochain,


  71. Liam - September 16, 2008 4:58 PM


    Hi Guy
    My Name Is Liam I Saw U And Richard And David And The Boys At Glasgow On The On An Island Tour In 2006 For My 16th And I Could See How Much Everyone Praised Richard

    He Was Special To Me As I First Heard Of Floyd Becuase Of Us And Them.

    I Hope You And Gala Will Cope Through This Very Difficult Time My Uncle Past Away A Few Weeks Ago Aswell And I Found It Very Hard

    Take Care And My Condolenses For You And Your Family Are Always Here For You.

  72. kurtis - September 16, 2008 6:42 PM


    Deepest con­do­lences to you, Gala and your entire fam­ily. We only new Richard as a musi­cian, but he was your FAMILY. This is a tragedy (to say the least) but in his music, and through the mem­o­ries of his fam­ily, he will live on.

    I wish strength and grace for you and your fam­ily. May you find peace in reme­ber­ing a great and gen­tle man.


  73. Tony - September 16, 2008 7:15 PM


    My thoughts are with you and you fam­ily at this sad time


  74. Melissa(*_*) - September 16, 2008 8:12 PM

    I’m very sorry about this, and I hope these bad days will pass quickly for you and your fam­ily.

  75. Dan - September 16, 2008 8:44 PM

    Dear Guy and fam­ily,

    So, so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

    Richard has brought tremen­dous plea­sure to me over the years. I never knew him per­son­ally, but I will still miss him.

    Deepest con­do­lences,


  76. PF_Junkie - September 16, 2008 8:54 PM

    My deep­est con­do­lences to all who were close to him.
    I wish you all the strength you need to over­come this great loss.


  77. Bas - September 16, 2008 9:19 PM

    I hope you, your wife and all other fam­ily of Rick will find com­fort in his the leg­endary music and moments he has left behind!

    His gig in the sky will be the best and I am sure he will always be around!

    My deep­est con­do­lences…

    Shine on Rick!!!

  78. alternate gilmour - September 16, 2008 9:19 PM

    I am so sad for us all. Rick touched my life and mind in a beau­ti­ful way. I owe him so much. Rip.

  79. Justin Bousquet - September 16, 2008 9:50 PM


    I’m so sorry that you and your wife had to endure this. Rick was to young and had many more years of record­ing and pre­form­ing left. It’s just sad you two never released a joint album.

  80. Justin Bousquet - September 16, 2008 9:50 PM


    I’m so sorry that you and your wife had to endure this. Rick was to young and had many more years of record­ing and pre­form­ing left. It’s just sad you two never released a joint album.

  81. Justin Bousquet - September 16, 2008 9:53 PM


    I’m so sorry that you and your wife had to endure this. Rick was to young and had many more years of record­ing and pre­form­ing left. It’s just sad you two never released a joint album.

    I being a huge Pink Floyd fan was as well deeply sad­dened by this. I ended uo cry­ing myself to sleep over this huge and out of no where lost.

    I really hope Rick and Syd are jam­ming up in heaven right now!

    -Justin Bousquet

  82. Rob - September 16, 2008 10:28 PM

    Dear Guy,

    What a loss!
    For you, your fam­ily and for all musi­clovers.

    Rick was a inspir­ing, hon­ourable and very tal­ented man.
    He gave so much to the world. We love him and will never for­get him.

    I play in a dutch Pink Floyd Tribute band myself. It is obvi­ous how impor­tant Rick was for the soul and sound of Pink Floyd, the best band the world has ever seen!

    Keep the good mem­o­ries; they are all trea­sures.
    I’m sure you find the strength to over­come this ter­ri­ble period.
    Ricks echoes will help you!

  83. Pedro - September 16, 2008 10:34 PM


    My con­do­lences to you and all your fam­ily.

    Pedro from Portugal

  84. Christine T - September 16, 2008 10:48 PM

    Dear Guy,
    I’m ter­ri­bly sorry for your loss. My thougts and prayers and with you and your fam­ily dur­ing this dif­fcult time.
    Take Care. Christine

  85. Warren Loveridge - September 16, 2008 11:26 PM

    Guy and fam­ily,

    My deep­est con­do­lences.


  86. Becky in Atlanta - September 16, 2008 11:38 PM

    Dear Guy,

    To a fan like me, Richard was a fas­ci­nat­ing para­dox: quiet, super pri­vate yet larger-than-life. An unlikely rock star con­cerned with the music and not the celebrity. I always liked that about him. And the music he made was bril­liant.

    I don’t really know what else to say except that you, Gala and your fam­ily have my heart­felt sym­pa­thies.


  87. Matt Waite - September 17, 2008 12:45 AM

    From my fam­ily to yours, Guy , all of our con­do­lences on your loss.

  88. Claudia Rato - September 17, 2008 1:17 AM

    So sad… My thoughts and feel­ings are with you and your fam­ily, Guy.

    He’s now untied, beat­i­fied, and loved forever­more…

  89. Diego from Chile - September 17, 2008 2:15 AM

    it feels like if some­one very close to me is gone, what a tal­ent and quite per­son, i admire so much his work on pink floyd as solo work. his music has joined the last sad hours.
    i hope god send the stenght necce­sary to you and your familiy, best regards

  90. Andrew_S in Toronto - September 17, 2008 2:22 AM

    My deep­est sym­pa­thies, Guy. Take care of your­self and your fam­ily. They really need you now.

    I’m sure that we were all hop­ing that Richard would be work­ing on a new album or work­ing with you and David again and were just stunned by the news.

    Rick touched us all. He was the most under­rated musi­cian in rock, even though his work was so exquis­ite.

    All I can say is that Heaven’s all-star band has just become bet­ter.


  91. Carey in Omaha - September 17, 2008 4:29 AM

    I was shocked and sad­dened to hear the news yes­ter­day, sir. I wish you the best of luck in deal­ing with the loss, and hope to one day see Mr. Wright at the Great Gig In the Sky

    wish you were here, Rick. Shine on

  92. Adolfo Antonio Ríos Alcorta - September 17, 2008 5:35 AM

    My con­don­lences for your fam­ily in this sad moment.
    Rick is in heaven, in the deep space sail­ing with Syd search­ing the new sound of uni­verse.
    Comfort your heart an your soul.

  93. Haris Varajic - September 17, 2008 9:10 AM

    Please accept deep­est con­do­lences…

    Huge loss for music in over­all.


  94. KenF - September 17, 2008 9:43 AM

    Dearest Guy,
    My sin­cer­est con­do­lences go out to you, Gala, your fam­ily and friends.
    How can mere words express the grief and untimely loss of your father-in-law.
    Richard was the archi­tect of such won­der­ful, enchant­ing music.
    It has been an hon­our to have wit­nessed his musi­cal flair on many occa­sions dur­ing his life­time. I’m so grate­ful to have been aware of the tal­ent he imparted to this world.

    I will savour his legacy for the rest of my days.

    Cherish the mem­o­ries.

  95. Julian Clark, Aylesbury, UK - September 17, 2008 9:53 AM


    I resisted post­ing any­thing as I did not feel I could ade­quately por­tray my heart­felt feel­ings and sor­row.

    I pass on my deep­est con­do­lences to you, Gala, your fam­ily and all of Rick’s fam­ily and friends.

    I always felt that Rick’s con­tri­bu­tion to Pink Floyd (since I first heard them in 1967) was the defin­ing dif­fer­ence in their music. I will miss him and I know mil­lions of other fans out there will miss him too.

    Best regards

  96. Gertjan - September 17, 2008 11:51 AM

    Dear Mr. Pratt, Dear Guy,

    I pass my deep­est con­do­lences to you and your fam­ily. This must be a ter­ri­ble time for you and your loved ones.

    The pass­ing of Richard Wright leaves us all very sad and shocked. An era seems to have ended much too early. I hope that you will keep per­form­ing with David Gilmour to keep the mem­ory of Richard Wright alive.

    Warm regards,

  97. marco - September 17, 2008 12:01 PM


  98. Musaab Al-Saleem - September 17, 2008 12:41 PM

    Condolences for you and for your wife and all Ricks fam­ily and friends. His music will for­ever live in the soles of every pink floyd lis­tener. I feel as if i have lost a fam­ily mem­ber, i guess i’ve been lis­ten­ing to his music all my life so its part of who i’m i. He seemed like suck a sole­ful per­son and loos­ing him would be so hard for you and for your fam­ily.


  99. James Geary - September 17, 2008 6:12 PM


    I can’t even imag­ine what you are going through when I am so upset about Richards pass­ing hav­ing not even known him but through his music. My prayers are with you and your fam­ily at this try­ing time. Rick will always live on in the genius of his music and will be missed greatly.

    James Geary

  100. sylvie laurin - September 17, 2008 10:33 PM

    I just want to send to you some thoughts for Rick…I am an irreg­u­lar on David’s web­site and it’s a really sad news that we’ve heard. So please accept our con­doleances to you, your wife and the rest of Rick’s fam­ily. Sincerely from Canada, Sylvie de mon­tréal.

  101. Manuel Alfaro, ASCOT - September 17, 2008 11:28 PM


    My deep­est con­do­lences to you, your wife and all Richard’s fam­ily.
    Words will never express the loss of such musi­cian.

    World has lost one of the most pre­cious dia­monds.

    I hope he is already jam­ming along with Syd, wher­ever they are.

    Shine on Richard!

    Warm regards,


  102. Cecilia (Argentina) - September 18, 2008 6:42 AM

    My con­dolances to you and your fam­ily. I´ve heard his music for more than 20 years now. He gave beau­ti­ful sounds to world that will never be for­got­ten. I´m very sad and my thoughts are with all of you.

  103. Robyn - September 18, 2008 6:43 AM

    My thoughts are you with you and Gala and your fam­ily dur­ing this very sad and dif­fi­cult time.

  104. Jason Emery - September 18, 2008 8:27 AM

    I am really strug­gling to cope with the sad news at the loss of Rick, i like so many oth­ers grew up with the Floyd and we felt part of the fam­ily.
    My thoughts are with you Guy and the fam­ily.

  105. Peter Harold, Sweden - September 18, 2008 11:11 AM

    Hi there…

    It is very strange; I haven’t met Mr Richard Wright in per­son (except for attend­ing the Pink Floyd con­cert in Guthenburg, Sweden 1994), but the loss of Mr Wright feels like the loss of a per­sonal friend to me.

    The news about his death hap­pens at the same time that we was expect­ing infor­ma­tion about Mr Wrights next solo-album. Instead of good news we got sad news.

    On behalf of the Swedish fans of Pink Floyd and Mr Richards Wright I can tell you that we will miss this gen­uine, soft-spo­ken Englishman that brought us his fan­tas­tic music. Thank you, Richard, for every­thing!

  106. Guy Pratt - September 18, 2008 10:27 PM

    This post is strictly for Rick thank you.

  107. Murat - September 19, 2008 12:01 AM

    I never knew that I loved him so much. I feel as if I lost some­one in my fam­ily. He cre­ated mag­i­cal sounds and com­posed beau­ti­ful songs. He was a won­der­ful musi­cian.
    Rest in peace Mr. Richard Wright

  108. Phoenix - September 19, 2008 12:09 AM

    My deep­est apolo­gies, Guy. I would have pre­ferred to reply directly to Mike, of course.

  109. Rodrigo Fernandez (Mexico) - September 19, 2008 3:21 AM

    Good bye and deeply sorry. This is really sad…Rick, you will be always present in our minds and hearts.
    All the best for the Pink Floyd fam­ily
    Gracias Maestro!

  110. Emilio - September 19, 2008 8:55 AM

    My thoughts and love to all your fam­ily,
    it’s shockin’ news…

  111. phil - September 19, 2008 9:05 AM

    Five Days later, and I still feel ter­ri­bly affected. Nothing like this since Lennon (08÷12÷80).

    I sup­pose all the Floyd/​Gilmour stuff is so per­son­able, so real, that you feel part of the fam­ily. You watch the DVD’s and feel part of it.

    Since Monday, I have watched RTN Disc 2 repeat­edly. The Birthday cel­e­bra­tion is now even more poignant. There is gen­uine love for “that awk­ward bug­ger” — Reeeechard!

    My sin­cere con­do­lences Guy, and Gala.

  112. Simon - September 19, 2008 11:27 AM

    Dear Guy,

    I just wanted to express my con­do­lences to you, Gala and fam­ily. He was an amaz­ingly beau­ti­ful musi­cian, and a warm, gen­uine per­son.


  113. harry de vries - September 19, 2008 2:55 PM

    My deep­est con­do­lences to you. Richard was a unique some­what under­es­ti­mated tal­ent but he made the sound of Floyd so Floyd. I saw Pink Floyd and Richard live on stage five times. Lucky man I am.

    I looked at the DVD from the ‘On an Island Tour’ and saw what a fun it was play­ing together and play­ing with Richard. Not only plea­sure on stage but also back stage and off stage. One big fam­ily. Now it’s over. Happily what always will remain is Richard’s beau­ti­ful music.

    Take care Guy and all the best
    Harry de Vries (The Netherlands).

  114. Steven aka Kingofcheese - September 19, 2008 3:54 PM

    I thought of quot­ing lyrics from The Floyd,
    Something won­der­ful and evoca­tive,
    Yet in truth,
    It just some­how feel’s wrong.

    I wish I’d had the plea­sure of meet­ing Rick. On those occasions’s i got to see him ‘live’ with the Floyd and espe­cially with David Gilmour, i knew he was a true mas­ter of music. My one abid­ing mem­ory of see­ing him ‘live’ was at the Royal Festival Hall with David, and what got me was the vol­ume of the wave of gen­uine appre­ci­a­tion that ran though the crowd as Rick was intro­duced as a spe­cial guest. At a later gig (with David) he played two songs from his ‘bro­ken china’ album, which for me was a strong emo­tional moment, as is the whole of that album.
    So to fin­ish i wish you all my deep­est sym­pa­thy at the lose of such a won­der­ful and much loved man

    Steven Richardson

    PS. Thank you Guy for this Blog page, i hope in time you and the fam­ily get a chance to read this and know just how spe­cial Rick was to us the crowd.
    Take care

  115. Michael Stickings - September 19, 2008 6:33 PM

    I thought you all might be inter­ested in the two trib­utes — more per­sonal reflec­tions than for­mal obits — that I posted at my blog this week (it’s a lib­eral polit­i­cal blog, but I took time away from the U.S. pres­i­den­tial cam­paign to write about what Rick and Floyd mean to me):

    Richard Wright (19432008)

    Richard Wright, in memo­riam

  116. Michael Stickings - September 19, 2008 6:36 PM

    Our thoughts are with you and your fam­ily, Guy.

    There isn’t much that can be said. Rick touched so many of us through his music.

  117. Kevin from Michigan - September 19, 2008 6:51 PM

    The world lost a great musi­cian, and an even bet­ter man this week. You and your fam­ily lost some­thing far greater than any of us who mourn his pass­ing have. I hope you all find some com­fort in know­ing how much Richard was loved and admired, by count­less peo­ple. The thoughts and prayers of those same peo­ple are with all of you.

    I am so sorry for your loss.

  118. Irene - September 19, 2008 8:14 PM

    Still feel­ing sad and shocked, I don´t know really what to say. Words seem in such a sit­u­a­tion empty.
    I can only say that, despite I had never the chance to see Richard Wright live, his music meant very much to me.
    Shine on Richard Wright…and thank you for the won­der­full music.

    My sin­cere con­do­lences to you Guy and to Gala.

    Irene (from Germany)

  119. Roy - September 20, 2008 3:22 AM

    My deep­est con­do­lences for this irre­place­able and shock­ing loss to you and the entire Wright fam­ily and friends.
    Also, to all the Pink Floyd band mem­bers, musi­cians, man­age­ment and count­less fans.

    May God Grant him eter­nal rest and may his mem­o­ries and the music live on for­ever…

  120. giordano - September 20, 2008 9:14 AM

    Good morn­ing Mr. Pratt.
    How do you feel?
    The mem­ory and music of Mr.Wright always in my mind and my heart.
    vi voglio bene

    best regards,
    gior­dano from italy

  121. DAVID KENYON - September 20, 2008 8:13 PM

    There have been a lot of com­pli­ments and expres­sions of admi­ra­tion for Rick made since his pass­ing away. Judging by DG’s obser­va­tion of Ricks sur­prise at the ova­tions he got on the recent tour, Rick was unaware just how much he was respected, admired and loved and by so many peo­ple. Its too late to tell him now, but per­haps theres a les­son to be learned here. Maybe we should all tell some­one we love, admire and/​or respect exactly how we feel and not leave it until its too late.
    Wouldnt it be a nice trib­ute to Rick to make some­ones day by telling them how much theyre loved whilst they’re still here to appre­ci­ate it ?

    Deepest sym­pa­thy to Ricks fam­ily and friends.

  122. dAn - September 21, 2008 4:22 AM

    My first time vis­it­ing this blog and com­ment­ing.
    So first of all, as a HUGE Pink floyd fan and as a Bassist myself, Guy, you are one of my influ­ences when it comes to bass! You’re AWSOME!

    And last. My prayers go out to you , your fam­ily, and Richard’s fam­ily. He was, with no suprise, a WONDERFUL, COLOURFUL per­son. The sad news hit me like a ton of bricks and sad­dend me to this day. It’s unbe­liev­able 🙁

    Stay strong!

    With love: DAN

  123. Linda - September 21, 2008 3:31 PM

    Dear Guy and Gala . it is so hard to know what to say in this time of loss . i was so shocked to read an e‑mail sent by one of my friends from the david gilmour chat room with the link to the bbc obit­u­ary . my heart goes out to you and your wife and the rest of ricks fam­ily . i will be think­ing of you all .

  124. Bill Feehan - September 22, 2008 7:41 PM

    To you, Rick’s loved ones and the whole Pink Floyd fam­ily:

    My deep­est sym­pa­thies to you all for your loss. I was only just recently look­ing at the David Gilmour DVD that just came out — watch­ing the 45-minute extra show­ing you all “behind the scenes” on the OAI tour — and found Rick to be an insight­ful, sen­si­tive and mag­nif­i­cently tal­ented man. I watched it again and when the scene came to where you were all in Austria cel­e­brat­ing his birth­day and play­ing with the wine glasses, it’s pretty safe to say the poignancy of that moment was­n’t lost on me.

    Whether as band or as indi­vid­ual solo efforts, your music has — and will always have — an infi­nite reach. If any com­fort can be taken in this moment, it’s that his legacy will NEVER dimin­ish.

    Shine on to you all and peace.

  125. Elena - September 22, 2008 10:04 PM

    Dear Guy how can I say all my sad­ness for Rick’s death, I haven’t the word to tell him good­bye.
    In the first time my con­dolances to you and your fam­ily.
    It is very strange: I knew that Pink Floyd were a won­der­ful part of my life, but the lost of Rick feel me so empty, like the lost of a close friend.
    I have known Pink Floyd when I was 8 years old, I have grown up with them, with their music, emo­tions, feel­ings and teach­ing and now that I have 27 I feel so sad that I never been before.
    Pink Floyd are part of my life and every time I will play their song (expe­cially “The great gig in the sky, Shine and Us and them) my ded­i­ca­tion will be for the best teacher of key­bords and music of the world, the graet Rick!
    I’ve seen him in 1994 when Pink Floyd playd in Turin and in 2006 in all dates of David con­certs: magic moments that will be for­ever in my heart.
    Thank’s Guy to have opened this blog, I hope you’ll read my thoughts, I’m near you and your fam­ily.
    Rick shine on and play among the stars the won­der­ful “The great gig in the sky”.
    Ti vogliamo bene Rick!!!

    Elena & Nick
    da Turin (Italy)

  126. Jilly - September 23, 2008 9:53 AM

    You love, admi­ra­tion and pride in being part of Rick’s life had always shone out when­ever you men­tion his name.

    My thoughts are with you all.
    Jilly x

  127. Mike - September 24, 2008 5:00 PM


    A short note to offer you and your fam­ily my deep­est sym­pa­thy on your loss.

    It can be of very lit­tle con­so­la­tion to you all at this stage; but you should all take com­fort in the fact that Rick enriched the lives of mil­lions of peo­ple, and there very few who of us who can hon­estly say that.

    As Auden said:

    He was silly like us, his gift sur­vived us all”

  128. Nelson Vargas Casanova - September 24, 2008 7:14 PM

    Estimado Guy.

    No creo que exis­tan pal­abras para expre­sar el pesar que nos pro­duce el deceso de Richard Wright, y mas aun el dolor y la des­ol­cion que sobrecoge vue­stros cora­zones (vues­tra Familia), su musica es recon­for­t­ante, ali­menta nue­stros espir­i­tus y eleva el alma a dimen­siones asom­brosas, atraves de su musica solaente pude cono­cerlo, pero se que fue un alma buena un fac­tor agluti­nante y con­cil­i­ador, en con­se­cuen­cia su legado traspasa la musica.
    En cul­turas ori­en­tales, la muerte solo es un cam­bio de estado, y hasta cel­e­bran con ale­gria una muerte.…pero como poder enten­der su par­tida, sin sen­tir un pofundo dolor por su ausen­cia, solo tocando e inter­pre­tando su musica encuen­tro con­suelo a su par­tida y siento su pres­en­cia per­ma­nente en la fuerza de su inter­preta­cion.

    Talves nunca leas este requiem, pero quiero que sepas, que en Valdivia, Chile.…su musica suena con mas fuerza que nunca y es cul­ti­vada en nue­stros hijos, quienes sin duda alguna per­pet­u­aran en la gen­era­ciones pos­te­ri­ores, el legado de su musica, mis con­do­len­cias Guy tu dolor, es mi dolor.

  129. michele - September 26, 2008 6:01 PM

    rick good­bye, your music will sound ‘for­ever in our hearts!!!

  130. Walter - September 28, 2008 5:42 AM

    Dear Gala and Guy,

    My deep­est con­do­lences to you, your fam­ily and friends. The very sad news of Richard’s pass­ing has had a much to strong impact here, too. He influ­enced so many musi­cians (myself included) and warmed up so many hearts with the spirit of his music and del­i­cate play­ing.

    Por favor, reciban un muy muy calido y sin­cero abrazo de un extraño desde aquí.

    from Mexico City

  131. Angela - October 1, 2008 3:48 AM

    I’m ter­ri­ble with things like this (noth­ing I say is ade­quate), but I’m very, very sorry for your loss. I remem­ber the first time I heard, “Us and Them.” I was four years old and it absolutely mes­mer­ized me. I can still, to this day, hear that song and feel that exact same feel­ing. It’s very com­fort­ing.

    See, I told you I was bad at this. My con­do­lences to you, Gala, and all those that loved Richard.

  132. Angela - October 1, 2008 4:29 AM

    Forgot to men­tion that I’m new here, so I hope I’m not over­step­ping my bounds by chim­ing in.


    From Oklahoma City

  133. Claire Hitchman - October 17, 2008 12:30 AM

    Such sad sad news. Have just fin­ished watch­ing Live at the Royal Alberta Hall AGAIN Rick will be missed for­ever. My heart­felt con­do­lences to your fam­ily Guy.

    X Claire

    Canmore Alberta Canada.

  134. Humberto quintas - October 24, 2008 11:57 PM

    You are a PINK FLOYD FOREVER!Thank you for ever­thing!

  135. Steve In NY - November 2, 2008 7:05 PM

    Guy, my deep­est sym­pa­thies to you and your fam­ily.

  136. ÓßÓ ãÍÇÑã - March 3, 2009 6:28 AM

    sry i just know how to write my name in ara­bic :)) any­way how­ever my eng­lish not that good but i think i get the point. thanks

  137. robert follen - July 31, 2010 4:57 PM

    Hello guy, I hope you enjoy your time at the Fringe this year! I have read your book and enjoyed it very much, I couldnt put it down!

    I thought I’d say that when Rick passed away I put a bunch of flow­ers down at Abbey Road and did the same last year and will do so the same this year! He is still an influ­ence on me and and I can’t really believe there has­n’t been any proper Syd-Barrett-Tribute-@-the-Barbican-style memo­r­ial for Rick! So it’s my way of say­ing I miss you Rick!
    I went to Leicester Square Odeon on wednes­day to watch Inception and realised the last time I was in there was at the Remember That Night DVD pre­mière, I saw Rick and he was very incour­ag­ing as I men­tioned the band I play in had a gig the next night.

    I’ve also worked at Moorfields Eye Hospital for a few years now and I pulled Rick’s files when he came in for treat­ment.

    I wish you well and good luck with your Wake-Up tour!

    Best wishes to your fam­ily and to Gala.

    robert 🙂

  138. GeorgeAnna - October 11, 2010 10:57 PM

    Dear Rick,
    I will miss you so much. please E‑mail me and let,me know where you are. I would appre­ci­ate it. My God bless you and your fami­uly.

  139. Katka - January 22, 2012 11:41 AM

    I never thought I’ll be cry­ing for (The) some­one in my 11 years old.…
    Feeling with you Sir.

    Respect from Prague.