

In the




Review: The Void

Autobiographies are usu­ally rub­bish. Biographies aren’t too bad, as they gen­er­ally show both sides of their char­ac­ter, but auto­bi­ogra­phies only focus on the good char­ac­ter traits of peo­ple, and tend to avoid men­tion­ing the lit­tle things like their drug-fuelled trips to Uganda or the ‘hilar­i­ous’ ille­git­i­mate chil­dren. Luckily, this book is dif­fer­ent.



Review: The Independent

Two decades of play­ing bass gui­tar as a respected but obscure ses­sion man with some of the world’s most famous musi­cians has not damp­ened Guy Pratt’s enthu­si­asm for star­dom. He now comes out of the shad­ows to take cen­tre stage as a come­dian.