15 Dec 2023

Vote For The Rockonteurs

Guy and Gary Kemp’s The Rockonteurs pod­cast has been nom­i­nated ...
13 Dec 2023

Rockonteurs with Gary Kemp and Guy Pratt: Season 5

  Rockonteurs is a pod­cast all about the real sto­ries ...
31 Jan 2020

Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets — Live At The Roundhouse

‘Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets Live At The Roundhouse’ is ...
29 Jun 2018


Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets brings together some famil­iar names, ...
08 Aug 2017

Inglourious Bassterd at Edinburgh Fringe

Guy Pratt returns from the recent David Gilmour tour to ...
25 May 2016

Rattle That Lock Tour Continues

Guy Pratt will cer­tainly be busy over the next few ...
09 Nov 2014

Pink Floyd — The Endless River

Pink Floyd’s first stu­dio out­ing in two decades is a ...
14 Mar 2014

Bryan Ferry 2014 Tour

Guy Pratt will be join­ing Bryan Ferry and The Bryan ...
06 Jan 2014

Samuel Hällkvist Tour

Guy Pratt has announced he will be tour­ing Sweden and ...
11 Oct 2013

New Website

It’s been a while..but we’re back! Here it is, the ...
12 Sep 2013

Braintree Arts Theatre

Don’t miss Guy Pratt’s won­der­fully sala­cious show ‘Sideman’ at Braintree ...
10 Jan 2011

Guy Pratt @ Adelaide Fringe Festival

Having wowed crowds the world over with ‘My Bass and ...
02 Aug 2010

G‑TARanaki International Music Week

Guy will be doing his brand new “Wake Up Call!” ...
12 Jul 2010

Guy Pratt, Roger Waters and David Gilmour perform charity show together

It’s True! David Gilmour & Roger Waters per­formed together includ­ing ...
04 Jul 2010

Wake Up Call! @ Edinbourgh Fringe Festival

It’s 4am. The alarm is set for 5. You’re in ...
05 May 2010


Just want to say what a bril­liant time we all ...
02 Feb 2010

Breakfast of Idiots’ solo show

10 Jan 2010


Thanks for the birth­day wishes.. I’m going to be at ...
22 Dec 2009

Merry Xmas!

22 Nov 2009


**** LAST EVER UK SHOW **** Host: 20th CENTURY THEATRE ...
13 Nov 2009

Speedball — Maximum Speed

That’s right..Guy’s first band has a live album com­ing out! ...
16 Sep 2009

Lost login!

I haven’t been able to get into my own bloody ...
20 Jun 2009

PMT Leeds

Thanks to every­one who came to the PMT shows in ...
03 Jun 2009


Hello all, sorry I haven’t been in for ages, and ...
13 Apr 2009


Hi all I’m going to be per­forming Jon Lord’s Concerto ...
23 Jan 2009

Just popping in..

Hello all Just thought I’d pop in. Sorry I’ve been ...
21 Jan 2009

Notting Good Taste 2

Returning to the 20th Century Theatre due to pop­ular request, ...
24 Dec 2008

Merry Xmas

To every­one… It hasn’t been the best of years, and ...
05 Dec 2008


Greetings from down under…I’m here doing the Adelaide Guitar Festival ...
06 Nov 2008


A brand new com­edy night takes place on November 13th ...
20 Oct 2008

Thank You

Just wanted to say thank you for all of your ...
15 Sep 2008


I can’t really think of any­thing to say right now ...
19 Aug 2008

Brian Cox

Hi all Sorry I haven’t writ­ten for a while…Been a ...
30 Jun 2008


Just back from Glasto, which was mer­ci­fully dry. Had a ...
18 Jun 2008


This does not apply to any of my reg­ular vis­i­tors, ...
06 Jun 2008

Planet Rock saved!!

Hi all Well great news eh? We all went and ...
28 Apr 2008


Hi all I’ve been get­ting a bit car­ried away on ...
02 Apr 2008

New Slot!!!

In their infi­nite wis­dom Planet Rock have decided to move ...
16 Mar 2008


Thanks to every­one who came to my show, it was ...
20 Feb 2008

My Bass And Other Animals — Last London Show

21 Jan 2008

Last night a DJ shaved my wife…

Hi all Well last friday’s show was bet­ter than the ...
08 Jan 2008

Thank you!

Thanks to every­one for their birth­day greetings..Last day in Bali, ...
19 Dec 2007

Merry Xmas!

I’m in Melbourne now, and after todays record­ing of Spicks ...
01 Dec 2007

Ill in Brisbane

Languishing in my hotel room in Brisbane with a nasty ...
15 Nov 2007


It’s 4am and I’m wide awake, though not for any ...
03 Nov 2007

From Russia with love..

I’m off to St Petersburg and Moscow tomor­row, first time ...
15 Oct 2007


If anyone’s in Basel, Switzerland.. I’m play­ing the Casino with ...
02 Oct 2007

Back on the road..

This week I’m head­ing out all over Eastern Europe and ...
16 Sep 2007

Sorry again..

Hi all I haven’t posted for a while because, well, ...
09 Aug 2007

Jonathan Ross Show

Those of you in the UK might be inter­ested to ...
23 Jul 2007


Hi all Running around Europe with Mr Ferry again.. I’m ...
19 Jun 2007

The show goes on…

Hi all, I have a break from Fery duties for ...
21 May 2007

Book Out!!

I went to Mackay’s the print­ers in Chatham today to ...
11 May 2007

Syd Gig

2pm yes­terday after­noon, I’m at a motor­way ser­vice sta­tion en ...
06 May 2007


As you can see, my book is fin­ished, and will ...
11 Apr 2007


I’ve been very remiss about post­ing lately. The book is ...
04 Mar 2007

On the road again..

Hi all, I’m in sunny Scotland, on a back to ...
02 Feb 2007

Time for a new post!

But I can’t really think of any­thing. Still wrestling with ...
13 Jan 2007

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Christ you lot got on it quickly…Who watches the above ...
12 Jan 2007


This is almost turn­ing into a proper blog what with ...
10 Jan 2007

Thank you for your birthday greetings..

That was very nice of you all. I’m back slog­ging ...
22 Dec 2006

Merry Xmas!!

I’d just like to wish a merry Xmas and happy ...
11 Dec 2006

ARIA Hall of Fame

I’m delighted to report that Iva Davies came round to ...
01 Dec 2006

New Post!!

Hi all, I’m exiled down in France all alone try­ing ...
12 Oct 2006

New Website

Welcome to the new web­site! Finally  the site is online ...






Book Out!!

I went to Mackay’s the print­ers in Chatham today to see the awe inspir­ing sight of my book rolling off the presses. It’s a great thrill, some­what marred by a few mis­takes (Wrong or miss­ing photo cred­its, bits of unwar­ranted punctuation…Grrr.. but what can you do?)


  1. johan ödmann - May 21, 2007 9:41 PM

    Not my pho­tos I hope..:)

  2. Phoenix - May 22, 2007 9:51 AM

    Woohoo on the book rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ off the presses!

    Looking for­ward to read­ing it.

  3. george hartselle - May 22, 2007 3:49 PM

    Onwards and upwards right? Has Bass Player mag­a­zine con­tacted
    you about the book, maybe with a con­certed effort we could get you a review, how about it bass fans?

  4. Simon J - May 22, 2007 6:51 PM

    Might not be a spe­cial announce­ment for you guys, but here goes.

    Today, I com­pleted my Business Studies Degree at Cardiff. It was a great occa­sion, and hope­fully, by June 25th, I will know if I passed.

    It’s a great feel­ing being employed now, as a Marketing Advisor, and hope­fully, next time we all meet, drinks are on me!

    Thanks to every­one and Mr. Pratt.

    Simon J (Happy Days!)

  5. Ricardo Padua - May 22, 2007 7:07 PM

    Congrats Simon!


  6. Guy Pratt - May 22, 2007 9:52 PM

    Congratulations to us all!!!

  7. Simon J - May 23, 2007 12:59 AM

    Thank you Ricardo and Mr. Pratt. I must ask though, have you two ever indulged in fur­ther edu­ca­tion?

    Happy Days to us all,

    Simon J

  8. Phoenix - May 23, 2007 8:27 AM

    Huzzah, Simon J!

    I’ll cheer­fully break my usual ‘no drink­ing’ rule to vir­tu­ally share one with you (espe­cially since you’re buy­ing). But the rest of my share of the booze, you’re wel­come to.

    I’ll cel­e­brate finally get­ting my bloody art­work gal­leries back online for the first time in at least 3 years, whee!

    (leans over to the next per­son in queue for The Book and queries, “What’re you cel­e­brat­ing?”)

  9. Karen - May 24, 2007 1:27 AM

    I got a new job, started 2 weeks ago.

    Can we cel­e­brate that also.


  10. Karen - May 24, 2007 1:31 AM

    Oh, and this is my impres­sive new title, SAP Security Specialist.


  11. Cory - May 24, 2007 5:40 AM

    Congrats on the book! I am in Texas, USA and just ordered it on Amazon UK (not avail­able in US for now). I really hope you do a US tour. I saw the Pink Floyd Division Bell tour in San Antonio and the New York tour last year with David. I hope you do a tour in the US and if you do, I will be sure to go where ever you can do a show. Please let us know.

    Cory (and the rest of your American fans)

  12. Michèle (France) - May 24, 2007 11:00 AM

    Hi, Phoenix, tchin-tchin, mon amie!

  13. Stefano - May 24, 2007 11:30 AM

    Hy Guy,

    con­grat­u­la­tion for your book, I’m going to buy it soon!

    I hope you are not a fan of Liverpool…because my pre­ferred foot­ball team is MILAN…!!!!



  14. Angelo Ortiz - May 24, 2007 2:30 PM

    Good luck Guy! And cheers to Simon and Pheonix…

  15. Simon J - May 24, 2007 6:17 PM

    Gag of the Month time again folks.

    A priest stripped off to his birth­day suit to have a shower in a church, before his ser­mon. He had a quick shower, as peo­ple had started to arrive.

    However, when he got out, to his annoy­ance, there was no tow­els, and the clos­est tow­els were down the hall­way in his pri­vate room. He sneaked out, and took the two bars of soap that he took with him orig­i­nally.

    As he sneaked down the hall­way, two nuns were enter­ing the hall­way as well, so he stood to one side, and tried his best to look like one of the stat­ues.

    The two nuns saw the new statue and claimed that it was very life­like. So the first nun pulled his penis.

    Startled, the priest drops a bar of soap. The nun states “This must be one of these new soap dis­pensers.” So the sec­ond nun tugs his todger, and again the priest drops the sec­ond bar of soap.

    The first nun enjoyed it so much, she tugged it again, but this time there was no soap, so she tugged for a good while, until she siad out loud.….

    There’s hand­cream as well!!”

  16. Nick - May 24, 2007 9:41 PM


    Apologies for Chatham.…saying that you should have popped up the mine for a jam!

  17. Phoenix - May 24, 2007 10:50 PM

    Karen, way to go! Sounds very impor­tant! Good luck with that.

    Simon… you’re nuts. 😀

    Michele, mon amie, it’s good to hear from you. Click on my name, check out the pretty pic­tures, let me know what you think. There’s a link on there that will let you email me if you wanna. 🙂

  18. Ricardo Padua - May 25, 2007 4:36 AM

    Yes Simon i have a degree in Communication Design.

    And now for some­thing com­pletely dif­fer­ent
    (and since we are in Happy Days mood):

    The por­tuguese national chan­nel made a story about my gen­eral works with a spe­cial higlight about this web­site where i talk a bit how it was made.
    It has been broad­casted all week on national chan­nel and even you don’t under­stand you can watch it on sun­day, 2 a.m. (GMT: London /​ Lisbon), at RTP International since it broad­casts world­wide.

    So, like Guy said, con­grat­u­la­tions to us all!!


  19. Phoenix - May 25, 2007 6:35 AM

    Well done indeed, Mr. Padua. Or, to borrow/​edit a Gooner phrase, ‘Didn’t he do well?’ 🙂

  20. george hartselle - May 25, 2007 3:59 PM

    How about this? I’m an 8th grade Social Studies teacher (secu­rity, insur­ance, retire­ment, unlike my bass play­ing job). Today is the last day for the next 2 1/​2 months. Summer vaca­tion. Will be play­ing with The Hi 5 and SpunktheCombo (we are Americans my friends, no con­no­ta­tions), my bands. Who said there was noth­ing reward­ing about teach­ing?
    So.…once again, con­grats to us all. See you in August.

  21. Mrmago67 - May 25, 2007 11:36 PM

    The sad fact is my daugh­ters boyfriend works at Mackays in chatham and the day after Guy went to see the books he asked me if i had heard of him, the least he could have done was asked him to sign one and give it to me, lol, ps im in the pic­ture in the book of guy stand­ing in front of the crowd at Wembly in 88 in about mid­dle right lol

  22. Daniel Werwolf - May 26, 2007 10:11 AM

    Congrats! 🙂 I hope it will be posi­ible to buy your book here in Israel 🙂

  23. Nate - May 26, 2007 12:27 PM

    Break a leg tonight Guy!

    I have been con­sid­er­ing mak­ing the trip to High Wycombe tonight to come and see your open­ing night. ‘Carpe diem’ and all that…

    2 hrs drive vs. 15 min­utes to get to Wimborne…

    A lit­tle bird tells me you like Margaritas… I know a great place for them in Bournemouth BUT I would have to buy you din­ner as well! 😀

    I’ll have to do some pre­lim­i­nary mar­ket research in Wimborne to find the best place before you get here 😉

    What’s your favourite type?

  24. Nate - May 26, 2007 1:02 PM

    Tonight’s gig is can­celled! 🙁

    Guy, I hope that you are OK?

    Well that’s made my deci­sion for what I do tonight a lit­tle eas­ier…
    … or has it?

    You would­n’t have can­celled it to attend ‘Games for May’ would you?


  25. Guy Pratt - May 26, 2007 1:15 PM

    Wycombe was can­celled a cou­ple of days before­hand, sorry I did­n’t have a chance to post…It’s been resched­uled for Oct 3.

  26. Nate - May 27, 2007 12:03 PM

    I went to ‘Games for May’ last night and it was superb 🙂

    There was no pub­lic involve­ment by any of Pink Floyd but that did­n’t stop a great evening. There were pro­jec­tions of early Syd/​Floyd footage in the lobby and some peo­ple dressed up, the girls (and some guys) held daf­fodils and there were ‘flow­ers in the hair’.
    I over­heard some­one say that Joe Boyd was there and I think Robyn Hitchcock did a fine job with the songs espe­cially with some of Syd’s solo work. Congrats to Graham Coxon for get­ting the right ‘noo­dle’ to start Interstellar Overdrive! There were about 5 guys oper­at­ing the array of oil pro­jec­tors and other ‘ana­logue’ light­ing para­pher­na­lia.

    Congratulation Ricardo on get­ting on the TV, You do fine work 🙂

  27. Jessica - May 29, 2007 6:31 PM

    Hiyas Guy,
    Congratulations on your book again,
    I was just look­ing over your music cred­its and noticed you had worked with Iggy Pop in 05,
    Was just won­der­ing how you enjoyed that?

  28. Tony - May 29, 2007 8:10 PM


    What a flash­back to Jr. High! The first day of school we were required to take our books home and jacket them for pro­tec­tion — usu­ally done with paper shop­ping bags.

    Looking at your book I’m reminded of how my books looked after a few weeks of “illus­trat­ing” dur­ing lec­tures. Identical!

    Great nos­tal­gia.


  29. Paul Sexton - May 30, 2007 11:26 PM

    Book on it’s way.……

  30. Karen - May 31, 2007 1:18 AM

    Book on it’s way also, just wait now.

  31. sonicfrog - June 1, 2007 6:44 AM

    Did my pic make it in the final cut??? 🙂

  32. Guy Pratt - June 1, 2007 10:34 AM

    What pic?

  33. Haris Varajic - June 2, 2007 3:11 AM

    Sorry for offtopic but…what hap­pened to Betsy’s boddy? I can se a huge deep wound/​scratch near the bridge pickup 🙁

    Just dont say it was always being there…or am i blind? 🙂

  34. Guy Pratt - June 2, 2007 9:59 AM

    It was there when I got her..

  35. lorraine - June 2, 2007 11:57 AM

    Just to say I’m really enjoy­ing the book. Yes, of course I read chap­ter 43 first, could­n’t help myself! Loved the glass clock story, you’re all very cheeky about that sweet man:)

  36. Karen - June 2, 2007 2:46 PM


    Apparently Mr Pratt, you were on an episode of Top Gear, we are a few series behind here, so I take it, it was a while ago for you.

    I how­ever missed it; I know you were involved in the theme music, is that why you were on ?


  37. sonicfrog - June 2, 2007 3:53 PM

    It was late at night; was tired, prob­a­bly had some wine, and was being silly. There would be no rea­son for me to be in the book. You don’t know who I am… Hell most of the time I don’t know who I am!!!. 🙂

    Anyway. Congrats on the book. If I don’t see it in the local book­store, I’ll get it on the net.

  38. Karen - June 4, 2007 6:10 AM

    Book has arrived, and is doing the rounds in the office.

    You will be happy to know it is bring­ing back a lot of mem­o­ries for peo­ple. And there is now a list of who is bor­row­ing it next.

  39. Guy Pratt - June 4, 2007 1:20 PM

    Borrowing??? They should be buy­ing!!!!

  40. Paul Sexton - June 4, 2007 5:47 PM

    Heading to Turkey in a cou­ple of weeeks for a break, book going too!!!

    Looks good though..

  41. Nate - June 4, 2007 11:07 PM

    I love the gloss var­nish and emboss­ing on the cover.

    For those of you that haven’t seen it ‘in the flesh’ yet…

    It makes the colour pho­tos look as though they have been cut from glossy mag­a­zines and have been stuck on with Sellotape…

    …and the white title of the book looks like it’s been writ­ten in Tipp-Ex which was a com­mon type of toxic all pur­pose white paint for the school child 😉

    Great con­cept by Gala 🙂

  42. Karen - June 5, 2007 5:10 AM


    I am try­ing to push the buy rather than bor­row (but I think I am too nice, can’t say no)

    I am enjoy­ing the book very much, being a fan from way back, I loved the Icehouse stuff.

    You men­tioned an inter­view with Donny Sutherland from “Sounds”, I actu­ally have a copy on tape of an inter­view you, Andy and Iva did with him many years ago.

    It also brought back mem­o­ries of many Icehouse con­certs I went too, one being at Newcastle Workers club in NSW, where I actu­ally bumped you into out­side the club when I was at the ten­der age of 16.

    And seems you used to live in the area I now res­i­dent in Bondi/​Coogee/​Bondi Junction.

    Anyway it’s a great read and I’m hav­ing a great laugh, well done.


  43. Andy neale - June 5, 2007 9:54 AM


    How about bring­ing the show back to the Midlands…saw you in Birmingham last year (you signed my DG CD afterwards)…brilliant show , but now I have the book I want to see you do it live again!!


  44. Phoenix - June 5, 2007 7:42 PM

    Simon J, I fear you telling peo­ple how to make money. 😀

    Guy, I’m await­ing the post­man. Shipping fees are nasty, but some things are worth the extra expense.

    Hope every­one’s hav­ing a good day/​week/​whatever. 🙂

  45. Johan Ödmann - June 7, 2007 11:32 AM

    Hi Guy

    Great fun read­ing the book and meet­ing you.

    If any­one of you out there are inter­ested to see more pics of Guy´s gig with Syl Sylvain And The Teardrops, click my name above. Guy even played gui­tar with Syl…


  46. Lesley - June 7, 2007 3:27 PM

    Hello Guy

    Just a line to say how much I am enjoy­ing the book!! Some hilar­i­ous moments!! Great stuff!!

  47. Jon - June 11, 2007 8:26 PM


    Caught the show in Brighton on Friday, (sorry we couldn’t arrange a dress­ing room or a decent heck­ler) and thought it was excel­lent.

    From now on, every time I see a Whitesnake video on VH1 a wry smile will cross my face.

    To those who haven’t seen it, make the jour­ney. You don’t need to be a gui­tar afi­cionado to appre­ci­ate the humour as was proved by my wife on the drive home …“I thought he was very funny but who is Jimmy Page?”!!!

    All the best with the book.

  48. Phoenix - June 12, 2007 7:19 PM

    Sometimes things hap­pen for a rea­son.

    The day I for­get my lap­top’s power cord at home is the day I got the book in the post. Now I have some­thing to enter­tain me at work, woohoo!

    Thank you, Guy!

  49. Chris Coleman - June 12, 2007 8:04 PM


    ’twas The Guardian that rec­om­mended your book and as an avid reader of most con­tem­po­rary music mem­oirs — mainly to see if any­one I know gets men­tioned — called upon Amazon to sup­ply me with an attrac­tively dis­counted copy. On hol­i­day for a week, and hav­ing just fin­ished Tony Parsons’ “Stories We Could Tell” (£1.00 from Asda — and a mite dull — cheap aint every­thing) I sat down this morn­ing to read yours. From your descrip­tion of “play­ing Comfortably Numb with Pink Floyd, or Kashmir with Jimmy Page…etc” and as the rice krispies went soggy, I was engrossed…

    Took a break at page 144 as I’d promised the GLW we’d go to Warwick Castle — we live 90 sec­onds (by foot) from the main entrance and had never been.…wandering through the Tussauds dummy dom­i­nated dis­play of a late 19th Century week­end royal party, there’s a room with sev­eral lesser roy­als sit­ting around lis­ten­ing to.…Dame Clara Butt.…a name I’d first come across just eight pages ear­lier in your book, in a Tony Hancock related ref­er­ence!!!

    Needless to say my wife was fas­ci­nated when I pointed this out to her.…

    Anyway, your book deliv­ered with it’s ref­er­ence to my erst­while fanzine con­tem­po­rary Tony Fletcher and to Mr Stephen “Subterranean Hawks/​TV Eye” Duffy. (btw, has he told you the story of Andy Wickett’s “Stevie’s Radio Station/​aka Rio”???)

    Whilst I’m yet to “get” Pink Floyd, as a mid 40’s cove, I guess it’ll come soon. As for Icehouse, well.…

    Back when, I owned and loved (though sub­se­quently sold) the epony­mous “Icehouse”, and decided just a few weeks back I’d like to have it again. No joy on ebay, or iTunes, but thank god for Ausrock blog. Fond mem­o­ries drifted back, boosted just the other day by a fur­ther re-acqui­si­tion, this time of Doll By Doll’s “Caritas”. For me, two of very few 80’s tracks that still live up to my mem­o­ries.…

    So I loved the book. As some­one whose auto­bi­og­ra­phy (should it ever be writ) is going to be called “My Vicarious Life”, it was cool to read the rem­i­nis­cences of some­one actu­ally some­what more involved, if still on occa­sion a lit­tle periph­eral (no insult intended.…).

    That “Eartha Kitt’s Left Tit” got the biggest laugh, says more about me than I’m proud of, but there you go. And finally, the proof reader in me (aka annoy­ing lit­tle twat) points out that it’s GEOFF Travis and Nick HeyWARD. There you go then.…

    Literally A Literal Triumph” Chris 17

  50. Phoenix - June 13, 2007 12:31 AM

    As soon as it said ‘bassist’, I knew I had to share.



  51. Simon J - June 15, 2007 6:09 PM

    That time has come again. Friday night. Hopefully end up with a nice bird between my legs tomor­row morn­ing, not like the Malibu bot­tle I woke up next to last week.

    Stars in their Eyes tonight, so I’ll either make a twat out of myself doing Arnold Layne, or make a twat out of myself doing ‘I got a woman’ by R Charles!

    Otherwise, enjoy your week­end folks and Guy.

    Remember, Life is just an STD!

    Happy Days,
    Simon J

  52. Genevieve - June 15, 2007 9:15 PM

    I just fin­ished it, and wanted 200 pages more.
    Got it last week ( took its time to arrive in France)
    a great book
    Do you thinh it will be trans­late in French one of these days ?
    Thank again for the good time I spent with this book

  53. Phoenix - June 16, 2007 6:40 PM

    While I haven’t got through the book yet due to being hor­ridly busy, I thought I’d offer a com­ment on it so far. Sometimes things don’t trans­late well from one medium to another (in this case, spo­ken word to text), but so far, so good. The writ­ing style here is con­ver­sa­tional and relaxed, and I think it will do well even in the hands of non-fans and the casual reader.

    In fact, I’ve a non-fan friend who would love read­ing this, so I’m about to patron­ize my favorite UK book­seller again for copy #2 to give to them for their upcom­ing birth­day. They’ve been doing poorly of late, so this will be a much-needed laugh for them.

    Again, thanks for writ­ing this. Good stuff. 🙂

  54. Guy Pratt - June 17, 2007 12:03 PM

    Simon J
    Take your lad­dish rant­i­ngs else­where please.

  55. Spider - June 17, 2007 2:34 PM

    Hi every­body, hi Mr Pratt…

    Congratulations Mr Pratt for your book! I have a ques­tion: will it be pub­lished in french? Because I’m Belgian and I think that I can’t under­stand all the book in eng­lish… It would be great but if it’s not pos­si­ble I will try to read it in eng­lish…

    Thanks for answers…


    Spider (19-years-old, Belgium)

  56. Haris Varajic - June 19, 2007 12:23 AM

    At the moment i can only place order via American Amazon 🙁 …does any­body know when the book will be avail­able on it?

  57. Karen - June 19, 2007 2:23 AM

    I fin­ished your book last week, and I must say love it love it.

    It also reminded me of a ques­tion I was sup­posed to ask ages ago.

    A friend of mine who does a bit of online remix­ing, after lis­ten­ing to Transit Kings – “ amer­ica is unavail­able “. He wanted to know where the spo­ken intro bit came from. After read­ing your book, I came across a bit in the Robert Palmer chap­ter, where you said you tried ring­ing him and got an oper­a­tor mes­sage — amer­ica is unavail­able, assume that is where you got it from? Hope you know what I am talk­ing about here, tried to keep it short.


  58. Guy Pratt - June 19, 2007 9:23 AM

    It was Nassau that was unavail­able, not America, but top marks for effort.
    That bit comes from an album of weird spo­ken things for DJs that Alex Paterson had…

  59. Rick Sheehan - July 26, 2007 4:42 PM

    I really enjoyed your book. It was very funny and hon­est. I played bass in a band in Sydney with Iva and Michael Hoste before Flowers/​Icehouse so I laughed about your very accu­rate obser­va­tions on Iva and par­tic­u­larly Michael-“cyborg like”. I am telling my mates in Sydney to buy the book, and I am sure they will love it.
    Thanks, Rick Sheehan
    p.s. I’m one of the tech heads who read the appen­dix “Train Sets” with inter­est.